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Early Years


We are really proud of what Ofsted said about our Nursery and Reception classes following the School's inspection in September 2008...



Effectiveness of the Early Years Foundation Stage

Grade: 1

The provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is outstanding. Children's attainment on entry, and particularly boys' attainment, is below age-related expectations. Their communication, language and mathematical skills are especially weak. However, because of excellent teaching, they make good progress and reach a good level of development in all areas of learning by the end of the EYFS. Teachers and teaching assistants have high expectations of all pupils and maintain very thorough records of their progress. Phonics is taught systematically and children are given very good opportunities to write from first hand experience.

Further key strengths are the outstanding leadership and management of the EYFS and the planning of an activity-based curriculum. Children learn in a stimulating and inclusive environment, which is very well matched to their needs and reflects exemplary early years' practice. Excellent use is made of outdoor areas as well as the classrooms to promote learning. The outdoor areas are very well equipped to enable children to develop their motor and sensory skills using big apparatus. There is a very good balance between child-centred and adult-led activities.

Children are keen to learn and they behave well. Although they had only been in school for a short time when the inspection took place, they had settled in very well and exhibited excitement to learn. Children respond well to their key workers. All staff are skilled practitioners who understand the principles of good early years' learning and development. The welfare requirements relating to the EYFS are met in full. Children feel safe and secure.