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  • Year 1 and 2 Christmas Production

    Published 18/12/23

    A fun-filled show enjoyed by all!

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  • Harvest Festival

    Published 10/11/23

    Harvest Festival Donations Gratefully Received

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  • Year 6 Trip to see Michael Rosen at the Peterborough New Theatre.

    Published 05/10/23

    An engaging and inspirational performance by Michael Rosen!

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  • Year 3 Trip to BeWILDerwood

    Published 06/07/23

    Literacy lessons come to life at BeWILDerwood!

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  • Sports Days 2023!

    Published 28/06/23

    Sports Fun For Old Fletton Pupils.

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  • Summer Fayre 2023

    Published 27/06/23

    All the Fun of the Fayre!

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  • Year 2 Trip to Whipsnade Zoo

    Published 12/06/23

    The children from Year 2 had a wonderful day at Whipsnade Zoo last week!

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  • Football Tournament

    Published 25/05/23

    The Old Fletton football team took part in a local football tournament today and achieved third place.  The team came back to school feeling very proud of their achievement.  They represented our school passionately and brilliantly!  Well done to everyone and thank you to the staff members who made this possible.

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  • Coronation

    Published 11/05/23

    Last week, to mark the coronation of King Charles III on Saturday 6th May we spent time in school celebrating this event with the children.  There were lots of activities taking place including creating wonderful crowns which you can see in our photographs.  

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  • Y1 trip to Warwick Castle

    Published 11/05/23

    Last week Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Warwick Castle.  We climbed the tallest towers and explored all of the ramparts!  As we explored the castles’ grounds we got to see the different chambers and imagined what it would be like to a Lord or Lady in the castle.  The children enjoyed seeing the trebuchet show and seeing how the trebuchet was used to protect the castle. The children were able to use what they had learnt in the classroom and link it to their own experience.

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  • Y4 Roman Day

    Published 25/04/23

    All Year 4 children enjoyed a Roman themed day of learning on Tuesday 18th April.  Many children dressed up as Romans for the occasion, they looked fantastic and it greatly added to the immersion.  We had an historian visit bringing a plethora of Roman linked crafts and activities for the children to enjoy.  They created wax tablets with hidden messages, made herb balls that Romans used to scent themselves and wash with, made jewellery from clay and metal, ground charcoal to make ink and ground olives to extract oil for lamps to mention a few activities!  The children also participated in plays, dances and Roman soldier shield formations.  Throughout the day historical facts were given to set the scene and add to their knowledge of Romans in Britain. A great day was had by all!

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  • Y5 development site visit

    Published 24/04/23

    On Wednesday 19th April, Year 5 were very lucky to visit an important local development site on Shrewsbury Avenue (on the old Pedigree Petfood Site) - ISG Contractors and Crown invited the year group to visit the working building site for a new aluminium can production line.  ISG provided us with full PPE including safety boots, high-vis vests, goggles, hard hats and ear defenders, as well as a bag of promotional items, all of which the children were able to take home! On arrival at the site we were welcomed by many members of the site team, were given lots of amazing information from not only the building site managers Neal and Antonio, but also the project manager Tony, head of HR Joanne and the overall site manager from Trebor, Glen.

    The children discovered what happens before a project starts to ensure the local wildlife and ecology is not impacted, how staff are recruited and trained and how the fully automated production line and storage facility will operate. We were then given a guided tour of the site and were able to talk to many specialist contractors about their role in completing this massive project.  We learned many facts about the energy consumed and used our maths skills to work out the exact amount of cans that can be produced every year… at 2,800 cans per minute, per production line, this is a huge calculation.

    We will be writing detailed blogs on what we have learned and making sure we include as many details as we can, as well as discussing potential career opportunities in our PSHE lessons… you may find you have a budding CAD Designer or Project Manager on your hands!

    We are very thankful to ISG for the opportunity and are looking forward to revisiting the site next year, when the product line is completed and running at full capacity.

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