Local Authority Suggested Resources
Peterborough Reads is celebrating a year of reading and this link https://literacytrust.org.uk/communities/peterborough/families/ has a lot of resources and links to learning and local information. They have also set up a Facebook page that you can reach by clicking here.
Cambridgeshire Learning Hub have provided this link https://www.cambslearntogether.co.uk/home-learning/hub which contains a range of resources for all year groups that have been chosen and put together by school improvement advisors from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
The Elective Home Education Team have provided this link https://www.cambslearntogether.co.uk/asset-library/Corona-Virus-Schools/Guidance-for-families-currently-learning-at-home.pdf which provides information and guidance for parents about home educating.
They have also shared the attachment below which contains a range of websites that can be used with your child to engage them in learning whilst at home.