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Uniform Policy

The wearing of school uniform gives children a sense of belonging and a pride in their school.  Their smart appearance helps to develop a positive attitude towards behaviour and their learning.

Our preferred uniform supplier is a local company, Total Clothing.  They have set up a dedicated online uniform shop for our school which can be viewed by clicking here.  Alternatively, you can visit them at their showroom at Total Promotions, No 9 Botolph Trading Estate, Oundle Road, Peterborough, PE2 9QP.  You can also contact them with any queries on (01733) 374705.  As well as clothing items, they also stock book bags and PE bags.

You may, of course, purchase a uniform without the school logo from many high street stores and supermarkets.

There is also a 'School uniform SWAP SHOP' on Facebook where you can buy, sell or swap uniform.


  • Grey or black trousers, skirt or shorts
  • White or red polo shirt or white shirt
  • Red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
  • Red and white dress (gingham, striped or checked)

PE Kit

  • Shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
  • Tshirt
  • Sweatshirt, hoodie or jumper
  • Plimsolls or trainers (Reception classes will be notified when these are needed)

Items of clothing can sometimes be misplaced. Help us to help you by ensuring all uniform, PE kit, coats, and, if possible, footwear is clearly named.  This can be either by sewn-in or iron-on labels or by using a pen or permanent marker on clothing labels.